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Put your artwork into action.

Are you fueled by your next creative vision? Do you find yourself contemplating colors, 字体, 行, 对称, or visualizing the pieces of your next project falling into place? 作为一名艺术家,你的潜力是无限的. From graphic 设计 to 绘画, 雕刻, 动画, 和更多的, 是时候磨练你的能力,并利用它们来开展你生来就应该从事的职业了. We offer multiple degrees within the art program including: Studio, graphic 设计, 绘画/画, 摄影, 和3 d. 


As an art major at Hardin-Simmons University, you’ll enjoy intensive study in art, 设计, 还有多媒体,让你为各种职业和研究生项目做好准备. 从深入了解丰富的艺术历史到掌握特定的媒介和技术,我们的B.F.A. 学位将帮助您发现自己的优势,并加入长达几个世纪的艺术创作传统.

While you practice the fundamentals of studio art, 你也会发展必要的生活技能,比如创造性地解决问题, communication, and inspiring others through your unique expression. 你会在一个独特的基督教环境中蓬勃发展,致力于整个人:精神上, 在伦理上, and creatively.

A B.F.A. Degree 设计ed for You

每个艺术家都是独一无二的,都能为世界带来新的东西. 这就是为什么我们的艺术学位课程让你用33个学分来学习一个特定的专业:

  • 设计(平面设计,工业设计,数字和物理设计)
  • Fine Art Studio (绘画, 画, printmaking, sculpture)
  • Digital Media (illustration, film, 动画, 摄影)


Program Details

Travel the World With Your Art Degree

As you earn your B.F.A. degree at HSU, you’ll be able to participate in our . 在世界上最美丽的国家之一探索艺术史和文化的同时获得学分. 与我们的HSU合作伙伴Santa Reparata国际艺术学院一起学习艺术课程.

Requirements for Our Art Degrees

  • Laptop requirement
    • 主修设计或数字媒体领域的艺术专业学生必须在大二开始前购买一台笔记本电脑. 苹果MacBook Pro是最合适的系统,与我们的艺术学位计算机实验室和软件兼容. 有关当前规格的更多细节,请联系艺术项目总监. Laptops generally have an optimal technology shelf life of up to 3.5 years for students working in creative software. If you are bringing a laptop with you, 它必须是一个最新的模型,并能够运行任何Adobe创意云软件.
  • Digital Camera
    • 对摄影和电影制作感兴趣的艺术专业学生应该计划在大二开始之前购买一台个人相机. 相机系统必须是最新的HDSLR或无反光镜相机,具有视频捕捉和可更换镜头.

Why Earn Your Arts Degree at Hardin-Simmons?

Why Earn Your Arts Degree at Hardin-Simmons?

Hands-on Experiences

HSU的艺术专业学生有很多机会在城市周围从事艺术实习,并在周边城市的著名博物馆和画廊从事教育工作. 在当地的艺术研讨会和活动中有许多志愿者的机会, study abroad programs, and on-campus work-study services, 当你练习你喜欢的手艺时,你会建立一份令人印象深刻的简历.

State-of-the-art Classrooms and Studios

所有的艺术学位课程都在弗罗斯特视觉艺术中心举行, which holds large studios dedicated to sculpture, 绘画, 画, and graphic 设计. 在一个促进灵感和协作的环境中,获得使用工具和技术的实际经验,这些工具和技术将在您的职业生涯中使用.

A Thriving B.F.A. Degree Program

我们的艺术专业学生的个人和职业成功使我们成为全国顶尖的艺术学院之一. Thanks to numerous student-run organizations, 俱乐部, and honor societies exclusively for art degree students, 我们的艺术专业学生彼此之间以及他们的导师之间建立了持久的联系.


从HSU获得艺术学位,开启了许多可能的职业和教育道路. 我们的艺术专业学生继续在各种各样的环境中工作,包括学校, 博物馆, 画廊, 创业公司, 非营利组织, and international organizations.


With one of the most respected colleges for art, HSU培养的是经验丰富、备受追捧的艺术专业学生, 专业知识, and Christian values.

Salary for Art 专业

根据美国劳工部的数据,手工和美术艺术家的平均工资为49,960美元.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Job growth is also much faster than average, with a predicted 14 percent growth rate in employment through 2030.

Experiences for a Lifetime

“The art department is a wonderful place to gather knowledge. 你学到了很多关于艺术,设计,甚至如何建立自己的展览. I believe the experiences I made here will be with me forever.”

Ashley Milligan

Students enjoy a Kappa Pi art show in the Ira M. Taylor Gallery in the Frost Building.

Scholarship and 奖

You’ve made an investment in your future by joining HSU. 这就是为什么我们投资帮助你负担得起全国顶尖的艺术学位之一. 在HSU获得艺术学位的学生可以从该项目中获得一系列可再生奖学金,这些奖学金是竞争性的, 以及一项普通美术奖学金,由中大颁发给对美术感兴趣和参与的学生. Learn more about scholarship opportunities at HSU.

Opportunities for Students



ART 4389实习课程已被多名学生使用,以在本地企业工作,并获得专业工作经验. These businesses have included local ad agencies, film production companies, art 画廊 and 博物馆, and even Hardin-Simmons’ own Marketing office.

Undergraduate Private Studios

We offer our art majors 6 private student studio spaces, a privilege normally available in graduate study MFA programs only. 这些私人工作室空间是竞争性授予我们的高成就的本科艺术专业的学生,并用于给他们专门的空间,私人工作的项目, keep personal project supplies, 和磨练
their artistic craft.

HSU Student Art Competition and Exhibition

艺术系每年举办一次评审比赛,让参加工作室艺术课程的学生提交作品,有机会在Ira M展出. Taylor Memorial Gallery.

Art Work Study Program

我们的勤工俭学计划让学生有机会通过在我们的计算机实验室工作来发展专业技能, the front office and gallery, 摄影 darkroom, digital printing lab, and shooting studio.

Digital Media Degree


Art Education Degree


Theatre Program

BA, 论坛, BFA

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