通信科学 & 障碍程度




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为成功做好准备, prosperous career at one of the finest speech-language pathology programs in Texas. 拥有传播科学和障碍学学位, students will be prepared to excel in graduate school and beyond.

The communication sciences and disorders degree program at Hardin-Simmons大学 combines a solid academic foundation in understanding, recognizing and treating communication disorders with a heavy emphasis in direct field experience to prepare you to take on graduate school and the future job market.

When you choose HSU to pursue your communication sciences and disorders degree, you can look forward with confidence: more than 95% of this program’s graduates are accepted into graduate school or a job in the field within a year of graduation.


Gain real-world experience and interdisciplinary knowledge at HSU. 作为一个交流科学和障碍专业的学生, you’ll have the chance to interact and work directly with licensed professionals in the field through hours of observation and direct practice.


  • 语言病理学助理
  • 康复的助手
  • 行为治疗师

通信科学 and 障碍程度 Program Requirements

通信科学 and 障碍 majors must meet a few prerequisite requirements to participate in clinical courses or seek placement in internships or externships. 这些要求包括:

  • 总平均成绩不低于3分.0
  • 平均成绩不低于3分.25个通信科学和障碍学位课程
  • At least 12 hours of required 通信科学 and 障碍 degree courses must have been completed at HSU

另外, certain clinical work or internship/externship opportunities may have specific site requirements.


The 通信科学 and 障碍 department sponsors a pre-professional club for all majors. The 全国学生言语语言听力协会 (NSSLHA) at Hardin-Simmons大学 meets monthly to discuss topics vital to the field. 另外 NSSLHA sponsors several outreach activities and social events yearly.

Why Earn Your 通信科学 and 障碍程度 at Hardin-Simmons?

Why Earn Your 通信科学 and 障碍程度 at Hardin-Simmons?


HSU provides communication disorders majors with an excellent undergraduate liberal arts education. Foundational coursework in the field of CSD includes training in ethics, 以及拓展的机会. 小类, 关怀教授, and an interactive learning process will ensure your successful preparation for grad school and the workforce.


After anchoring you with a strong foundation of academic knowledge in communication disorders and physiology, our program provides you ample real-world experience to give you a feel for your future career. Communication sciences and disorders majors at HSU interact with certified and licensed speech-language pathologists in a variety of settings as they evaluate and treat individuals of all ages. Get ready for grad school with up to 50 hours of observation and direct therapy over the course of this degree program.


Almost all graduates of our communication sciences and disorders program go on to pursue grad school and licensure as speech-language pathologists and audiologists, and more than 95% of our graduates are accepted to grad school within one year of completing their bachelor’s degree!


Communication sciences and disorders majors at HSU develop a strong academic foundation in preparation for assessing and treating individuals across the lifespan. Our program graduates are eligible to become licensed in Texas as speech-language pathology assistants (SLP-A), 谁主要在教育机构工作, 治疗沟通障碍学生.

More than 95% of our communication sciences and disorders graduates continue their education by pursuing a master’s degree in speech-language pathology or a doctorate in audiology and ultimately become licensed practitioners.

Some graduates of our program also choose to work as SLP-As before pursuing grad school, many finding jobs with regional care providers such as Sweetwater ISD, 天使关怀儿童家庭健康, 以及中西部德州共享服务安排.

The estimated salary for alumni of our bachelor’s in accounting degree is $60,331. However, how much you earn will depend on the specific business field you choose to pursue. 例如,根据美国的报告.S. 劳工统计局, accountants and auditors in the state of Texas earn an average of $80,170 /年. Financial managers make $148,860, while financial analysts can expect to earn $87,870, on average.

“作为一名CSD学生是大学里最好的部分之一! The professors made my experience enjoyable; my peers were helpful and kind; and NSSLHA was a large part of my college career. The CSD department prepared me for graduate school in many ways and I can’t wait to start this new path with the preparation I was given as an undergrad.”




中文博彩平台, 我们致力于提供高质量的产品, 为所有学生提供负担得起的基督教教育. While there aren’t any scholarships specific to the communication sciences and disorders degree program, HSU学生的平均收入超过14美元,每年的经济资助. 




社会工作 & 心理学学位




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